• 7 MPH

    Top Speed

  • 5 - 7 MI


  • 30 MIN

    Charge to run 5 miles

  • 1 STEP

    Stopping Distance


  • Free
    Domestic Shipping

  • One-Year

  • Monthly payments
    from $88 / month

  • Designed by Shift
    Robotics in Austin, TX

  • Returns accepted
    within 14 days


Walk More, Save More

Save Time and Save Money: 85% of our users reported saving an average of 30% on their total commute time as their walking time was reduced by half. Save money in the long run and start cruising in your Moonwalkers today from $88/month.

Walk More, Do More

Effortless Errands: Why walk when you can moonwalk? With Moonwalkers, running errands becomes an enjoyable experience. Cover more ground and effortlessly tackle your to-do list. From trips to the post office to leisurely walks, Moonwalkers help you stay efficient and productive, making more time for what you love.

Walk More, Connect More

Social Adventures: With Moonwalkers, your walks with friends become more enjoyable and memorable. Whether you're exploring new neighborhoods, grabbing coffee together, or simply taking a stroll in the park, Moonwalkers add excitement to your social outings, letting you walk more and live more.

Walk More, Exercise More

Active Lifestyles: Embrace an active lifestyle with Moonwalkers. Perfect for dog walking, jogging, or daily exercise, Moonwalkers make every outing smoother and more enjoyable. Experience less fatigue and more energy, helping you stay fit and active while spending quality time with your furry friend.